“Samplings” • Yaël Ohayon
Yael Ohayon’s latest installation, “Samplings,” invites viewers into a world where wax becomes a powerful medium for expressing the depths of human experience. This exhibition is not just about seeing art; it’s about engaging with it on a profound, tactile level. “Samplings” consists of square wooden frames, each showcasing a unique wax creation, crafted through Ohayon’s skilled and deeply personal approach. These works are more than mere objects; they are reflections of emotions, memories, and a lifetime of mastering the art of wax.
In this collection, Ohayon explores the polymorphic nature of wax—mineral, vegetal, and animal—highlighting its ability to capture, preserve, and transform. The wax in “Samplings” melts and solidifies, veils and reveals, much like the ephemeral nature of thoughts and memories. Through her exploration, Ohayon liberates wax from its traditional uses, transforming it into a medium for artistic expression that resonates with the viewer’s own experiences.
What makes “Samplings” a must-see is the way Ohayon elevates wax into an artistic language, communicating stories of life and craftsmanship. This collection is a celebration of the material’s versatility and its capacity to evoke emotion, inviting you to connect with the artwork on a sensory level. The textures, colors, and subtle details in each piece beckon you to touch, to feel, and to experience the warmth and depth of the material.
“Samplings” is an extraordinary exploration of the beauty found in the ordinary, a tribute to the enduring nature of creativity and craftsmanship. This exhibition is an opportunity to witness the transformation of wax into a vessel for memory and emotion. Don’t miss this chance to let “Samplings” inspire your imagination and touch your heart.