Velasco VITALI @ TOD’S during Uptown Design Tour

With boundless energy and determination, Italian artist Velasco Vitali (born Bellano 1960) disembarks in
Brussels during Uptown design.
For more than 20 years now Velasco Vitali has studied extensively the theme of lost (ghost) cities;
painting them, sculpting impressions and creating monumental installations inspired by the often
desperate situations that led to their abandon. Among these art installations, we find Branco (translate: pack).
The central figures of this exhibition are dogs, desolate individual members of a disoriented pack of strays that
invade the space, depriving its visitors and its occupants of their usual space. These dogs, whos destinies have
always been inextricably bound to Mans, draw the viewers attention to the most problematic and desperate
aspects of the human condition, from loss of individual identity to the hopeless adventures of mass migration.