Sean HENRY 12 June 2010 “Capturing the rhythm of 30 years” by Aidan Dunne, Irish Time Read the article
Non classé, Yves Dana 9 June 2010 “Les Pierres Promises d’Yves Dana”. By Dominique Legrand Yves Dana, Le Soir, Belgium Read the article
Yves Dana 9 June 2010 Les Pierres Promises d’Yves Dana By Dominique Legrand, Le Soir (Mad) Read the article
Non classé, Yves Dana 1 June 2010 Press Release – Yves Dana LKFF Art & Sculpture Projects, Brussels. Read the article
Non classé, Yves Dana 25 May 2010 “Personnalités qui font la Suisse Romande – Yves Dana, La quête de l’Intemporel” by Michel Audétat, L’Hebdo, Suisse. Read the article
Yves Dana 20 May 2010 Yves Dana, La Quete de l’Intemporel L’Hebdo, par Michel Audétat Read the article
Non classé 1 May 2010 “Standing the test of time” Armen Agop, In House Magazine, Hong Kong Read the article
Mario DILITZ 15 January 2010 “Renaissance de Idealismus – Zu bildhauerischen Arbeit van Mario Dilitz” By Lena Naumann, Mundus, Münchner Kunst- und Kulturwelt Read the article
Hanneke BEAUMONT 1 January 2010 Installation of “Stepping Forward” by Hanneke Beaumont By Corentin Adolphy European Counsil of Ministers, Brussels. Watch the video