Art Paris Art Fair – duo expo Lucien Murat and Clothilde Gosset

LKFF presents a duo exhibition contrasting two French artists, both of the same generation but whose artistic propositions bring us from light to darkness, from peace to chaos
Clothilde Gosset (France, 1983-
The theme of Nature, essence of her creations, strikes us by its elegant simplicity and its strength. Fascinated by changes, mutations, growths and evolutions, Clothilde Gosset explores all art forms through ethical and sustainable values. Her fingers work the wood as if it were lace, domineering shadows and light with an impressive finesse.
Lucien Murat (France, 1986 –
Fascinated by the concept of the end of the world, its representation and its impact on the collective unconscious. His canvases are patchwork of carefully chosen old- fashioned classic decorative tapestries one could find in each grandmothers home in France – sewn together. Under his paintbrushes, they are transformed into immense colorful tapestries, questioning the fantasized grandiose of chaos, constantly flirting between absurd and grotesque.