Hanneke BEAUMONT – Interaction & Self-Protection –

Vernissage on Wednesday 19 April from 6:00 to 8:30 PM
Inspired by the title of the sculpture she set up in Ganshoren (Brussels) in the year 2000, this exhibition illustrates how the themes portrayed by Beaumont resonate ever more in todays society. A society where each day, the media raise our global level of anxiety through headlines of
terror, refugee crisis, Brexit, US elections, etc. Reactions worldwide seem in endless contradiction, from understanding, openness and charity to withdrawal, closing doors and self-protection. How will our western society deal with the various global crises? How will it deal with fear and grief? How will it evolve?
Hanneke Beaumonts sculptures represent Man in the broader sense, in all of his humanity.
In this respect, they also illustrate mans vulnerability, fragility, fears and doubts. How to cope
with the world we live in while preserving our inherited values but also a secure future, even
when there seems to be a conflict between the two.