lessandro Filippini’s approach – painter, sculptor, tracer of words – has been intimately linked to the inexorable passing of time since the beginning of his career, and is also interesting for its mise en abyme of the commonplace. This is how we should understand the use of the word, alone or in the form of a sentence, as a medium for our imagination.
Throughout his work, narration becomes contemplation. The relationship between these commonplace words and characters is deeply linked to the desire to turn the viewer from a reader into a story maker. In other words, Alessandro Filippini’s work is not an end in itself but an activator of dreams.
By Danielle Gillemon, Le Soir (Mad), 12 Avril 2023.
by Gwennaëlle Gribaumont, La Libre, 12 Avril 2023.
LKFF Art Projects, “Transmission”, video visit of the exhibition, March 2023
Music “Pierre et le Loup” by Sergei Prokofiev.