ight is an equivocal sense. Our brain is quick to correct our perception and update our references. And if Geerinck’s work plunges us back into some of our sensations, it is undoubtedly because it fragilises the partition that inhibits our taboos and represses our life and death impulses. So much so that it becomes visible. And the canvas becomes a waterline from which subjects appear in fragments as if rising to the surface of the perceptible world. Made of more or less structured layers of various materials, this support, which acts here as a screen between two worlds, engulfs transgenic beings, digests them, then abandons them to a magma of stagnant matter. (Elisabeth Petitbon)
By Danielle Gillemon, Le Soir (Mad), 12 Avril 2023.
by Gwennaëlle Gribaumont, La Libre, 12 Avril 2023.
LKFF Art Projects, “Transmission”, video visit of the exhibition, March 2023
Music “Pierre et le Loup” by Sergei Prokofiev.