Hanneke BEAUMONT 1 September 2021 Presence is more than just being there Press information in Dutch, English and French. Read the article
Michel TOMBROFF 22 June 2021 Wiskunst met een Kwinkslag De Standaard, by Senne Starckx Read the article
Michel TOMBROFF 10 June 2021 Les mathématiques sont partout, y compris à Bozar L’Echo, Herman Sorgeloos. Read the article
Michel TOMBROFF 1 June 2020 61 Artistes Talents à découvrir Art Absolument, Hors Série, pg 70 Read the article
Henk VAN RENSBERGEN 14 April 2020 Abandoned Places – Henk van Rensbergen Online exhibition catalogue Read the article
Sean HENRY 19 February 2019 T’es de Sortie? Interview of Mijntje Lukoff by Jessica Matthys on BX1 Expo “Thinking about Things” by Markus HOFER Read the article
Hanneke BEAUMONT 2 February 2019 Timeless Thoughts Louise Van Reeth “Timeless Thoughts” Pollen Magazine #9, February 2019 Read the article